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Reptile Combo tour + Snake showcasing


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Service Terms and Conditions

1. I ACKNOWLEDGE the inherent dangers in participating in the activities offered by THE COMPANIES.
2. I acknowledge that I have been made aware of the safety instructions in force while participating in these activities.
3. I understand that there are inherent risks in participating such activities which could result in personal injury, death or loss of or damage to my property. I consent voluntarily and without inducement to participation in such activities. I further understand that THE COMPANIES are not in a position to accept responsibility for the consequences of such risks in the event of their materialization.
4. I hereby waive all and any claims that I may acquire against THE COMPANIES, its directors, shareholders, employees, agents or underwriters and any affiliate or person(s) appointed by the aforementioned to act on their behalf from time to time, arising from any injury of any nature to my person or death or loss of or damage to my property however caused and to whatever extent, occurring during the course of any activity or excursion offered by THE COMPANIES. I hereby hold harmless, indemnify and absolve the aforementioned parties from liability in respect of any such claims.
5. My estate and heirs shall be bound to this consent, indemnity and waiver.
6. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no representations, terms, conditions or warranties not contained in this agreement shall be binding upon the parties.
7. No agreement varying, adding to, deleting from or cancelling this agreement shall be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties.
8. No relaxation by a party of any such parties rights in terms of this agreement shall prejudice that party or be a waiver of its/her/his rights (unless it is a written waiver) and it shall be entitled to exercise its rights thereafter as if such relaxation had not taken place.
9. All parties acknowledge that by entering into this consent, waiver and indemnity, they are not relying on any warranties, representations or undertakings however or to whomever made, save and except for insofar as same is embodied in this document.

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